Frequently asked Questions
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What is your Production time?
Is my Payment Secure?
🔒 Yes, We offer Secure Checkout for Credit and Debit cards processed by Square.
They are one of the largest online processing companies.
With End to End payment Encryption and SSL
What Quilts will fit my hammock? --- I have a _______ Hammock, will the _________ Quilt fit my hammock.
If you look at the description of our quilts you will meet Mr. Arrowhead. For each quilt, we list all the hammocks that work best for that quilt. He will be able to tell you if that quilt will fit your type or brand of hammock. You can also check out our Quilt Fit Page
How do you rate your quilts?
We calculate our temp rating by a double-check system. First, we do the math on the insulation/fabric combination. There are a couple of methods and formulas, but we work for an average. Second, we rely on real-world testing. This comes both from our own use as well as feedback from thousands of customers over the past 15 years. We combine the numbers and create a conservative rating that is a safe comfort rating for most users.
Are the KAQ's Reversible? Is there a head or foot end to the quilts?
Yes, they are reversible, You can hang with one color out one night and switch it to the other the next. There is no set head or foot end. Once you have the quilt adjusted and set to fit you, it can stay adjusted if you hang it the same each time. The only exception is the RidgeCreek UnderQuilt And RidgeCreek XL UnderQuilts. They do have a set inside and set outside and set head end.
Should I pick a Full Length or a Partial Length UnderQuilt.
Full Length versus Partial Length Quilt selection comes up often. Here are my general thoughts on it. Choosing between the two is a couple of factors. Partial-length quilts came about to reduce pack volume and make use of a pad that can serve double duty as a sit pad around camp or on the trail... making that log a little more comfortable. Some pack manufacturers also use a pad as the back support, mostly ultralight packs. So now the pad could serve 3 uses making it more functional for the weight to carry. In the long run, it works out as a net weight saving over a full-length quilt.
Full-length Underquilts like the New River can function warmer if you toss and turn. If you were to roll over and the pad moves out from under your feet they get cold and you wake up. A full-length quilt does not have that issue. They let you stretch out and you are still insulated. They take up a bit more pack volume, and weigh a bit more, but have less fiddle factor to set up and adjust.
Full-length Underquilts like the New River can function warmer if you toss and turn. If you were to roll over and the pad moves out from under your feet they get cold and you wake up. A full-length quilt does not have that issue. They let you stretch out and you are still insulated. They take up a bit more pack volume, and weigh a bit more, but have less fiddle factor to set up and adjust.
How strong is your Hammock suspensions? I am XYZ Pounds will your suspension hold me?

We work hard to produce the best hammock suspensions available anywhere. We do extensive testing and made thousands of hammock suspensions over the past 13 years. We rate all our suspension components to 450 pounds. If you need a stronger suspension we can make a custom-built Hammock Suspension to any level you need.
Do you ship orders outside the USA?
Sorry but no, Due to international shipping changes due to covid...including rate increases and extreme processing and delivery delays in foreign countries we have decided to pause international shipping at this time. We apologize for this but most customers have been unhappy with Customs holding packages for multiple months, shipping rates have skyrocketed, and many packages have been sent in circles around the globe rather than direct to the destination...all of which is completely out of our control.